New York City and The Rosè Mansion!

New York City and The Rosè Mansion!


I was born, but not raised in Brooklyn, NY sometime back in the 80’s.

No I will not say exactly when because a woman never tells her age!

I live in sunny & warm Florida, but I do find myself in NY 1/2 days a week.

I enjoy NY in the SUMMER! Lot’s to do and plenty of great eats!

My latest adventure was to The Rosè Mansion!

This was truly a fun experiences and the many samples or Rosè definitely was a VIBE!

I went with two of my sisters and I would recommend it, but it was only a pop up.

IT’S GONE, But who knows maybe it will be back…

#OhGTip A little wine never hurt NOBADDDDDDY!

Peru = Ceviche?

Peru = Ceviche?

St. Vincent & The Grenadines: THE MOTHERLAND

St. Vincent & The Grenadines: THE MOTHERLAND